» Новости компании » There Are 164 Бессимптомные инфицированные в Кашгаре

Есть 164 Бессимптомные инфицированные в Кашгаре


Есть 164 бессимптомные инфицированные в Кашгаре, а кашгарскому персоналу в ближайшее время в пекин ненужно.

Вечером 24-го, Комиссия по здравоохранению и здравоохранению Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района сообщила, что 24 октября, 2020, случай бессимптомного заражения пневмонией COVID-19 выявлен в уезде Шуфу, Кашинский район, during the regular examination of thepeople who should have been examined”.

От 0: 00 к 24: 00 в октябре 26, 26 new asymptomatic infected persons were found in Shufu County, Кашгар, all of whom were close contacts of asymptomatic infected persons before. Есть 164 бессимптомные инфицированные в Кашгаре, all in Shufu County, Kashgar region. Ceng Guang, a member of the high-level expert group of the Health and Health Commission, pointed out that there are some differences between this epidemic and the previous epidemics, with a large number of asymptomatic infected people, but there is no confirmed case, which requires a large number of follow-up investigations.

On the afternoon of the 26th, Beijing held the 172nd press conference on epidemic prevention and control, reminding people currently in Kashgar not to go to Beijing in the near future. Those who are currently in Beijing and have lived in Kashgar within 14 days should take the initiative to report and immediately carry out nucleic acid detection, which should be included in community health management. В то же время, the general public is reminded not to travel or go on business in Kashgar if it is not necessary in the near future.

Пекин, Oct. 27 (Синьхуа) According to China Voice News and Newspaper Summary, the Xinjiang Information Office announced on the evening of Oct. 26 that as of 16: 00 on Oct. 26, there were no confirmed cases in Kashgar, Синьцзян, а также 26 new cases of asymptomatic infected people were in Shufu County, all of whom were close contacts of asymptomatic infected people on the 25th. Kashi region will complete nucleic acid detection for all employees on 27th.

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