Qual é a diferença entre o esfregaço cervical e o esfregaço de amostragem tradicional?
Todos nós conhecemos cotonetes, mas talvez não saibamos sobre a coleta de amostras de cotonetes. Este artigo discutirá com você o que é o cotonete flocado e as vantagens do cotonete flocado em relação ao cotonete.
What is the difference between the new cervical sampling swab and the traditional sampling swab?
The new cervical sampling swab is made of nylon flocking material. The traditional sampling swab is made of cotton. So what is a flocking swab? And what are the advantages of the new cervical sampling swab over cotton swabs.
Flocking refers to the process of applying multiple lengths of fibers to the surface of the adhesive coating; if the head of the cotton swab is flocked, it is a flocking swab.
It is a disposable sampling swab composed of nylon short fiber pile head and ABS plastic rod. Used for oral, nasofaringe, amostragem, cervicovaginal sampling, Testando em laboratório "ou" Teste experimental, etc.
If the collection of cervical swab nucleic acid test specimens is not standardized, it may cause “falso negativo” results and delay treatment for patients.
Então, the cervical swab test specimens are collected from different parts of the human body;

cotonetes flocados