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China isolou com sucesso cepa do vírus da varíola dos macacos e iniciou pesquisa de medicamentos para vacinas

A Chinese research institute said on Thursday that it has successfully isolated the monkeypox virus from samples of infected cases and has begun researching vaccines and drugs to fight the infectious disease. The Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, a research unit under the State-owned Sinopharm’s China National Biotech Group, made the announcement. The World Health Organization declared the global monkeypox

Some countries in the Middle East are preparing to vaccinate COVID-19 one after another

Some countries in the Middle East are preparing to vaccinate COVID-19 one after another

December 11-Xinhua News Agency reporters in the Middle East reported that the COVID-19 epidemic is still spreading in the Middle East, and the number of new cases in a single day in many countries continues to be high. Atualmente, some countries have started preparations for vaccination against COVID-19. The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health announced on the 10 º …

Cidadãos de Macau serão vacinados contra a COVID-19 de forma voluntária e gratuita

Cidadãos de Macau serão vacinados contra a COVID-19 de forma voluntária e gratuita

Macao novel coronavirus Infection Response Coordination Center said on the 7th that the SAR Government is actively contacting suppliers for ordering COVID-19 vaccines, and the future vaccination of Macao citizens is voluntary and free. The Emergency Response Coordination Center stressed that the SAR Government expects to introduce the first batch of vaccines by the end of the year, e a …

Countdown of domestic COVID-19 vaccine on the market

Countdown of domestic COVID-19 vaccine on the market

With regard to vaccines, there will be big news in the next one to two weeks.On December 4th, Wang Junzhi, deputy head of the expert group of vaccine R&D special class of scientific research group and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a speech onCOVID-19 pneumonia vaccine and Progress in Drug R&Dat the 8th World Conference

Especialista americano em think tank: Kim Jong-un foi vacinado na China

Especialista americano em think tank: Kim Jong-un foi vacinado na China

De acordo com um relatório da Agência de Notícias Yonhap em dezembro 1, Harry Kazija, diretor do Centro de Estudos Coreanos do Instituto de Interesse Nacional, um think tank americano, disse em novembro 30 hora local que Kim Jong-un, o principal líder da RPDC, havia sido recentemente vacinado contra COVID-19 fornecido pela China. A Reuters também relatou a notícia. No mesmo dia, …

China has taken COVID-19 prevention and control measures in time to effectively reduce the number of cases in COVID-19

China has taken COVID-19 prevention and control measures in time to effectively reduce the number of cases in COVID-19

New research:China has taken COVID-19 prevention and control measures in time to effectively reduce the number of cases in COVID-19. Xinhua News Agency, Washington, novembro 23 (Reporter Tan Jingjing) A new study published online recently by TheInnovation, a journal co-founded by American Cell Publishing House and members of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences, shows that

Russian official: Russia began to produce the second COVID-19 vaccine

Russian official: Russia began to produce the second COVID-19 vaccine

Russian official: Russia began to produce the second COVID-19 vaccine. Russia’s chief epidemic prevention specialist Bobova stressed on the 27th that the Russian epidemic prevention headquarters decided to take various measures in various parts of Russia from the 28th to counter the severe situation of coronavirus transmission. Since October 11 this year, the number of confirmed cases in COVID-19 in

Diretor da Food and Drug Administration diz que a vacina COVID-19 pode ser autorizada

Diretor da Food and Drug Administration diz que a vacina COVID-19 pode ser autorizada

De acordo com o site chinês dos EUA, Hahn, diretor da Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos EUA (FDA), disse que todo o processo de aprovação federal pode ser contornado para fornecer a nova vacina contra o coronavírus o mais rápido possível. Ele disse que se os benefícios superarem os riscos, autorização de emergência pode ser emitida antes da conclusão dos ensaios clínicos de Fase III. Ele …

o novo vírus da coroa perdeu o controle no Reino Unido

A vacina ainda protege?

A emergência de “infecções secundárias” também levanta outra preocupação: A vacina em desenvolvimento perderá seu efeito protetor? Em relação a esta questão, especialistas acreditam que não há necessidade de entrar em pânico, mesmo que a vacina precise ser atualizada, tecnicamente não é difícil conseguir. Li Bin analisou que existem pelo menos cinco estratégias diferentes para vacina …


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