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Zhengzhou Has Infected 101 People in This Round Of Epidemic

Zhengzhou Has Infected 101 People in This Round Of Epidemic

(Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) Zhengzhou has infected 101 people in this round of the epidemic, reporting the first case, the hospital triaged 447 patients China News Service, Zhengzhou, Agosto 4 (Reporter Liu Peng Li Chaoqing) Zhengzhou City, Henan Province held a press conference on the evening of the 4th to inform the city of the current round of the epidemic

A epidemia nos EUA está fora de controle

A epidemia nos EUA está fora de controle

De acordo com relatos da mídia russa em 9 de abril, um médico local em Guayaquil, Equador, disse que devido à falta de leitos, medicação, ventiladores e equipamentos de proteção, equipe médica foi derrotada na luta contra o COVID-19, e apelou à comunidade internacional para intervir. Guayaquil, localizado sobre 260 quilômetros ao sul de Quito, é o “epicentro” do novo surto do vírus da coroa em …

A terceira onda de epidemia eclodiu em Hong Kong

A terceira onda de epidemia eclodiu em Hong Kong

A terceira onda de epidemia ocorreu em Hong Kong nos últimos sete dias, com centenas de casos locais surgindo em uma semana. Do 28 casos confirmados no dia 11, 16 foram casos locais, 7 eram de origem desconhecida, e Tsz Yunshan se tornou a área mais atingida. No dia 12, 38 novos casos confirmados foram relatados em Hong Kong, …

Focus on the COVID-19 epidemic “African war epidemic”

Focus on the COVID-19 epidemicAfrican war epidemic

Focus on the COVID-19 epidemicAfrican war epidemic”,Representatives of Chinese and African think tanks made suggestions and cooperation. Compared with other parts of the world, the African continent seems to be less affected by the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic, so that there are reports directly saying, “Why didn’t the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic destroy Africa?” As the title, and put forward the

QUEM: Europe has once again become the epicenter of the COVID-19 epidemic

QUEM: Europe has once again become the epicenter of the COVID-19 epidemic

On the 19th, horário local, Hans Kruger, director of the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization, warned in Copenhagen that Europe had once again become the epicenter of the COVID-19 epidemic, and one person died in Europe every 17 seconds on average. Clug said at the press conference that COVID-19 infection cases in Europe accounted for 28% de …

Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice

Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice

Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice Global Times reporter: Due to the epidemic, the Chinese Embassy issued a notice: suspending entry of people from some countries Chinese embassies in the United Kingdom, França, Bélgica, Rússia, as Filipinas, Índia, Ucrânia, Bangladesh and other countries issued notices on the 4th and 5th respectively, suspending the holding of currently

First disclosure! The epidemic in Rencheng Prison began with a door-to-door visit

First disclosure! The epidemic in Rencheng Prison began with a door-to-door visit

In February this year, five prisons in Hubei, Shandong and Zhejiang were infected by criminals, which attracted wide attention from the society. Entre eles, the epidemic situation in Rencheng Prison in Shandong caused 207 people to be diagnosed, and the then director of the Judicial Department was dismissed. The latest progress has been made today (4º): Wang Wenjie, deputy director

The Kashgar epidemic may be related to the local temperature drop

The Kashgar epidemic may be related to the local temperature drop

On the evening of October 25th, the Press Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference on Kashgar epidemic situation, at which it was reported that on October 24th, a case of asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia was reported in Shufu County of Kashgar. The infected person has been living in Shufu County, e …

A situação mais recente da nova epidemia de coronavírus na China

A situação mais recente da nova epidemia de coronavírus na China

De 0: 00 para 24: 00 Em setembro 4, 31 províncias (regiões autónomas e municípios diretamente subordinados ao Governo Central) e Corpo de Produção e Construção de Xinjiang relataram 10 casos recentemente confirmados, todos os quais foram importados do exterior (3 casos em Xangai, 2 casos em Guangdong, 2 casos em Yunnan, 1 caso em Tianjin, 1 caso em Fujian e 1 …

A propagação da epidemia universitária americana levou professores a protestar

A propagação da epidemia universitária americana levou professores a protestar

De acordo com as últimas estatísticas da Universidade Johns Hopkins nos Estados Unidos, a partir de 23: 28 em agosto 31, horário de Pequim, havia mais de 25.25 milhões de casos confirmados e mais de 840,000 mortes em COVID-19 em todo o mundo. Existem mais de 6 milhões de casos confirmados nos Estados Unidos, e a epidemia no campus continua a se espalhar; A Índia tem …