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Instruções passo a passo para usar cotonetes CHG

Gluconato de Clorexidina (CHG) swab sticks are essential for maintaining hygiene and preventing infections. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about using CHG swab sticks effectively. What Are CHG Swab Sticks? CHG swab sticks are antiseptic tools used to cleanse the skin before medical procedures. They help reduce the risk of infections by eliminating bacteria on


    Medico Technology Co., Ltda. é um fabricante profissional de suprimentos médicos na China, produzimos e vendemos zaragatoas flocadas de nylon, Kit VTM, kit de coleta de saliva e swab CHG & aplicador.


    Endereço: Sala 201, 301 e 401 Edifício A nº 10, Bao long 5th Road, Comunidade Tongle, Rua Baolong, Distrito de Longgang,Shenzhen, guangdong, China.

    Rede: www.medicoswab.com

    Número de telefone: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com