Em outubro 13, Na conferência de imprensa do mecanismo de prevenção e controle conjuntos do Conselho de Estado, Liang Wannian, Chefe do Grupo Especialista do Grupo Líder da Comissão Nacional de Saúde para Resposta Epidêmica e Descarte, disse que a chave para a prevenção e controle da epidemia covid-19 é “detecção precoce”, e teste de ácido nucleico is the key to early detection. It is an important tool for diagnosing infected persons, especially in determining infected persons, which is a gold standard.
China already has a strong nucleic acid testing capability, and now it can have a single-tube testing capability of more than 100 million tubes a day – “isso quer dizer, if it is a 1:10 mixed test, more than one billion people can be tested a day, which is a remarkable ability.” Liang Wannian said that practice has proved that nucleic acid testing has played an important role in the early detection of domestic epidemics.