1. É proibido o contato direto do líquido de amostragem com o pessoal coletado.
2. É proibido embeber o cotonete com líquido de amostragem antes da amostragem.
3. Este produto é um produto secundário, que é usado apenas para a coleção, transporte e preservação de amostras clínicas de vírus, e não deve ser usado além do uso pretendido. 4. The product shall not be used after its expiration date or if its packaging is damaged.
5. When collecting virus specimens, professionals should strictly follow the sampling procedures; When specimens are tested, they should be operated in a laboratory that meets the safety level.
6. After the specimen is collected, it should be transported to the corresponding laboratory within 2 Dias úteis, and the storage temperature is 2 ~ 8 C; If it is not delivered to the laboratory within 48 horas, it should be stored at-70 C or below, and the collected specimens should be delivered to the corresponding laboratory within 1 week. Specimens should avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
According to sampling requirements, collect samples with sampling swab. After the sample is collected in the transport medium, place the sampling swab. Break the swab at the breakable cutting point of the sampling swab rod, and discard the tail. Tighten the sampling tube cover, Mark the information on the label of transit media as required. After the specimen is collected, it should be transported to an inspection laboratory with inspection ability within 3 Dias úteis. The storage temperature is 2-8 DEG C; Se não for enviado ao laboratório no prazo 72 horas, it should be kept at -70℃ or below, and the specimen should avoid repeated freezing and thawing.

tubo de amostragem