O que é um cotonete flocado?
Flocagem refere-se ao processo de aplicação de fibras de vários comprimentos à superfície do revestimento adesivo; Se a cabeça do cotonete estiver flocando, é um cotonete flocado. É um cotonete de amostragem descartável composto de cabeça de fibra de náilon e haste de plástico abs. Usado para oral e nasofaringe, amostragem, amostragem cervical e vaginal, Testando em laboratório "ou" Teste experimental, etc.
What is the differences between a flocked swab and a traditional swab then?
Nylon flocking sampling bai swab has no core structure like du pad type of traditional sampling swab bed, which makes it difficult to release the sample zhi and affects the integrity of the sample. Contrary to dao, a complete sample is adsorbed near the surface of the sampling head and can be released completely and quickly.The vertical nylon fiber is like a soft brush, which can improve the collection effect of cell samples. The liquid sample is adsorbed between nylon fiber bundles under strong hydraulic pressure, aquilo é, near the surface of the sampling head, so that it can be easily released.
Why are the flocked swabs better than the traditional swabs?
Comparado com o swab tradicional de amostragem, O swab de reunir as seguintes diferenças.
1. Medico’s flocking sampling swab has no mutual absorbent core to disperse and collect samples.
2. Flocked cotton swabs can be collected quickly, para que toda a amostra adira à superfície da penugem e possa ser completamente eluída.
3. A fibra de nylon vertical é como uma escova macia, which can improve the collection effect of cell samples.
4. The capillary action between fiber bundles promotes the strong hydraulic absorption of liquid samples, and samples kept close to the surface can be simply eluted.
5. Flocking cotton swabs is an ideal method to collect a large number of cells, which can not only elute quickly, but also release these cells into the transport medium immediately.

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