» Notícias da Empresa » Hebei reports 334 novas infecções na coroa em uma semana

Relatórios de Hebei 334 novas infecções na coroa em uma semana


Relatórios de Hebei 334 novas infecções na coroa em uma semana

According to The Paper, Hebei relatou 334 casos de novas infecções na coroa por semana, e um noivo foi diagnosticado após o casamento no dia de Ano Novo.

De acordo com os dados divulgados pela Comissão Provincial de Saúde de Hebei em janeiro 9, 2021, de janeiro 2 a janeiro 8, Hebei has accumulatively added 334 new cases of new crown infections in the past week, Incluindo 137 confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections. 197 casos.

The data comes from the Hebei Provincial Health Commission. The paper combed the track of confirmed cases and found that Shijiazhuang continued to expand the scope of the epidemic. Following the previous Gaocheng District, Xinhua District, Zhengding County, Xingtang County, Xinle City, and Jingxing County, Janeiro 8 Among the newly confirmed cases, there were cases in Yuhua District, Luquan District, and Qiaoxi District. Além disso, in Gaocheng District, where cases are most concentrated, two new villages involved in the epidemic have been added, namely Machang Village and Dongyao Village. According to the official trajectory of cases, among the newly confirmed cases in Shijiazhuang on January 8, a groom was diagnosed a week after the wedding. He was also the first confirmed case of new crown reported in Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang. His wedding was held on New Year’s Day, Janeiro 1, 2021. The day before, em dezembro 31, 2020, he participated in the wedding rehearsal at the wedding hall. Among the rehearsal staff, a staff member of the wedding company was later diagnosed.

This staff member is a 21-year-old student from a university in Shijiazhuang and currently lives in Dongciyi Village, Zengcun Town, Distrito de Gaocheng. Em janeiro 1, she also attended the above-mentioned wedding and went home in the afternoon that day. No 5 pm, she was accompanied by her classmates to the Liu Zhenhai Clinic in Zhouxinzhuang, Gaocheng District for medical treatment. The next day, she went to the Niuzhi Village Clinic in Dongciyi Village, Zengcun Town, Distrito de Gaocheng. Em janeiro 5, he was tested positive for nucleic acid and was diagnosed as a confirmed case on the 6th.

Relatórios de Hebei 334 novas infecções na coroa em uma semana Relatórios de Hebei 334 novas infecções na coroa em uma semana

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