Os esfregaços vaginais auto-colhidos proporcionam um método eficaz, discreto, e conveniente para as mulheres rastrearem infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (DSTs) como gonorréia e clamídia. Este método é particularmente adequado para aqueles que não necessitam de um exame pélvico durante a consulta clínica. Abaixo, fornecemos um guia detalhado sobre como coletar uma amostra de esfregaço vaginal com segurança e eficácia.
Why Use Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs?
Self-collection of vaginal swabs empowers women to take charge of their sexual health. It is:
- Conveniente: No need for a pelvic exam.
- Private: Allows testing in a comfortable setting.
- Eficaz: Provides accurate results when instructions are carefully followed.
Before you begin, ensure that your healthcare provider has explained the procedure and answered any questions.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs
Follow these steps carefully to ensure a proper sample collection:
1. Prepare Yourself
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
- Undress from the waist down for easier access.
2. Review the Test Kit
- Read all instructions provided in the test kit.
- Open the package and set the tube of liquid aside, ensuring it stays sealed.
3. Handle the Swab Properly
- Open the cotonete de amostragem vaginal package to expose the stick end, being careful not to touch the soft tip.
Importante: If the soft tip is touched, dropped, or comes into contact with any surface, request a new test kit.
4. Colete a amostra
- Hold the swab by the middle of the shaft.
- Gently insert the soft tip about 2 polegadas (5 cm) into your vagina.
- Rotate the swab gently for 10–30 seconds, ensuring it touches the vaginal walls to absorb moisture.
5. Insert the Swab into the Tube
- Carefully withdraw the swab without letting it touch your skin.
- Unscrew the cap from the tube of liquid without spilling its contents.
- Insert the swab into the tube, ensuring the soft tip is submerged below the tube label.
6. Proteja a amostra
- Break the swab shaft at the scoreline (the dented line on the stick).
- Discard the top portion of the shaft and tightly screw the cap onto the tube.
Observação: If the tube’s liquid spills or the swab touches anything, request a new test kit.
7. Return the Sample
- Follow your nurse or doctor’s instructions to return the tube for testing.
Dicas para coleção de amostras bem -sucedidas
- Ensure a clean environment to avoid contamination.
- Take your time to carefully follow each step.
- If you have questions or encounter any issues during the process, consult your healthcare provider.