Fauci atua como consultor médico-chefe
According to the People’s Daily Overseas Network, Biden: Fauci foi convidado como consultor médico-chefe para manter sua posição atual.
Rede Internacional, 4 de dezembro. Em entrevista à CNN na quinta-feira (3terceiro), O presidente eleito dos EUA, Biden, afirmou que conversou com Anthony Fauci, diretor do Instituto Nacional de Alergia e Doenças Infecciosas, and invited He served as the chief medical adviser and member of the COVID-19 response team in the new government, maintaining his current position.
“I ask him to continue to maintain his current position, just like the role he held during the previous presidents. I ask him to serve as the chief medical adviser and become a member of the COVID-19 response team.”
Biden said that Ron Klein, the chief of staff he appointed, knew Fauci well and had been talking to him.
Biden also revealed his new crown response plan, which is to ensure that Americans believe in the safety of vaccines on the one hand, and on the other hand to formulate a series of measures to contain the spread of the new crown virus without affecting the economy. (Overseas Network Yao Kaihong)
Fauci has been invited as chief medical consultant