» Notícias da Empresa » Copy shop sells modified sampling swab nucleic acid inspection report

Copy Shop vende um relatório de inspeção de ácido nucleico de amostragem modificado


Copy Shop vende um relatório de inspeção de ácido nucleico de amostragem modificado

Xinhua News Agency’s client released the original title: A loja de cópias de dados de shanxi vendeu a amostragem alterada Swab Nucleic Acid Inspeção Relatório. The boss was administratively detained

Agência de notícias Xinhua, Taiyuan, 21 de janeiro (Repórter Sun Liangquan) O repórter aprendeu no Departamento de Segurança Pública de Datong City, Shanxi Province on the 21st that a copy shop in the area of the bureau sold 11 modified samples of swab nucleic acid inspection reports and made a profit of 200 yuan. The shop owner was administratively detained for 15 dias.

At noon on January 18, the Baijiazao Police Station of the Yunzhou Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Datong City received a report saying that a copy shop in the Baijiazao Village sold a sample swab nucleic acid inspection report. After receiving the report, the police conducted an investigation and collected evidence, and Wei Mougang, the owner of the copy shop, confessed to the sale of the altered sampling swab nucleic acid inspection report.

Após a investigação, Wei Mougang issued 11 samples of swab nucleic acid inspection reports by modifying his name and ID, and made a profit of 200 yuan. According to relevant laws and regulations, the public security organs imposed Wei Mougang in administrative detention for 15 days and imposed a fine of 1,000 yuan.

Copy Shop vende um relatório de inspeção de ácido nucleico de amostragem modificado Copy Shop vende um relatório de inspeção de ácido nucleico de amostragem modificado

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