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Cotonete CHG

Cotonete CHG

CHG Swab Stick Product Description: chlorhexidine gluconate sterile cotton swab Solution content: 2% CHG e 70% IPA, são solução pura 3ml (de acordo com os requisitos do cliente) Número de item: Embalagem SS-FS708-2C7I: 50 bolsas / caixas embaladas individualmente (1 peças / bolsa)               Cotonete CHG:Com 2% gluconato de clorexidina 70% isopropyl alcohol as the formulation of preoperative
Por que os médicos forenses usam esfregaços orais de DNA para coletar evidências?

Por que os médicos forenses usam esfregaços orais de DNA para coletar evidências?

DNA oral swabs are among the most common and effective methods for forensic pathologists to establish or refute links between suspect box and crime scene. This is a reference sample of oral buccal cells collected by touching the site of the crime, DNA evidence, and different suspects, and investigators can undoubtedly link the suspect to the crime scene and distinguish it. …
Introduction of Medico CHG Prep Swabs

Introduction of Medico CHG Prep Swabs

Medico CHG Prep Swab 2% Gluconato de Clorexidina e 70% álcool isopropílico. Gluconato de Clorexidina (CHG) was first used as a handwashing agent for healthcare workers . Since that time, aqueous CHG agents have been widely used as an effective antiseptic handwashing and surgical scrub. In the early 1990s there were some studies about the use of CHG for antiseptic skin prepping. …
Instructions for Use CHG Prep Swab Applicator

Instructions for Use CHG Prep Swab Applicator

Many people do not know how to use CHG Prep Swab Applicator. Today I will write some directions for use CHG Prep Swab Applicator. Look, this is a CHG Prep Swab Applicator:   How to use CHG Prep Swab Applicators? Let me tell you now! Direction for use : Peel the pouch to remove the handle, simply pull the ring collar to activate and

    Medico Technology Co., Ltda. é um fabricante profissional de suprimentos médicos na China, produzimos e vendemos zaragatoas flocadas de nylon, Kit VTM, kit de coleta de saliva e swab CHG & aplicador.


    Endereço: Sala 201, 301 e 401 Edifício A nº 10, Bao long 5th Road, Comunidade Tongle, Rua Baolong, Distrito de Longgang,Shenzhen, guangdong, China.

    Rede: www.medicoswab.com

    Número de telefone: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com