» Notícias da indústria » China Removed the Asterisk Marks on Big Data Itinerary Travel Cards

China removeu as marcas de asterisco em cartões de viagem de itinerário de Big Data


Para facilitar viagens domésticas, A China removeu os asteriscos nos cartões de viagem de itinerário de big data em todo o país na quarta-feira, de acordo com o Ministério da Indústria e Tecnologia da Informação.

O cancelamento visa reforçar a eficácia e eficiência do trabalho de prevenção e controle da epidemia de COVID-19 no país., e impulsionar a recuperação socioeconómica, o ministério disse.

Anteriormente, travel cards carried an asterisk that indicated when people visited a place with a medium or high risk of infection in the past 14 dias.

According to the Big Data Itinerary Card user guide, the asterisks that appeared next to the name of an area indicated that it was a medium-risk or high-risk area, but did not mean that the user had actually visited there.

Além disso, the asterisks had nothing to do with the user’s personal health status. They only served to warn people about medium and high-risk areas that they should avoid. If the user successfully avoided those areas for 14 dias, the asterisks would disappear on their own.

Due to recent COVID-19 outbreaks, asterisks on the itinerary card to indicate areas that were low-risk areas but had experienced cases. Como resultado, there were some instances where people were asked to isolate or refused entry at some places because the asterisks appears on their cards.


Fonte: Diário da China

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