» Notícias da Empresa » Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?


Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs


1 Ergonomia e design anatômico

2 Improve patient comfort and cell sample collection efficiency.
3 Excellent sample elution
4 Using an open fibrous structure, it immediately removes the sample cells into the liquid medium,
5 Unlike traditional wound swabs, when the sample is caught in the mattress core.
6 Rapid absorption (coleta de amostras aprimorada)
7 The sprayed fibers, which are charged in a uniform vertical manner and electrostatically charged by a strong capillary action cell sample and attached to the tip of the applicator, are rapidly absorbed
8 Increase the measurement sensitivity
9 It has been shown that the flocked swab rapidly elutes 95% of the original sample and is therefore likely to result in improved assay sensitivity.
10 Simple collection, capture and delivery

cell sample collection requires flocking swabs




Shenzhen Medico Technology Co., Ltda. specializes in the production of sampling swabs, cotonetes flocados (cotonetes ou bastões flocados), disinfecting sponge swabs, and CHG chlorhexidine coating products, including medical DNA sampling , Oral sampling, teste de vírus, amostragem nasofaríngea, virus bacterial sampling, laboratory sampling, amostragem genética, gynecological sampling and other disposable nylon flocking sampling swab

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    Medico Technology Co., Ltda. é um fabricante profissional de suprimentos médicos na China, produzimos e vendemos zaragatoas flocadas de nylon, Kit VTM, kit de coleta de saliva e swab CHG & aplicador.


    Endereço: Sala 201, 301 e 401 Edifício A nº 10, Bao long 5th Road, Comunidade Tongle, Rua Baolong, Distrito de Longgang,Shenzhen, guangdong, China.

    Rede: www.medicoswab.com

    Número de telefone: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com