» 산업 뉴스 » Zhang Boli: 푸젠의 COVID-19 전염병 상황은 여전히 ​​심각합니다, 하지만 한 달 정도면 조절이 가능할 것 같아요

장 볼리: 푸젠의 COVID-19 전염병 상황은 여전히 ​​심각합니다, 하지만 한 달 정도면 조절이 가능할 것 같아요


푸젠성 코로나19 전염병 상황

9월까지 21, 44 푸젠성에서 새로운 사례가 확인되었습니다, 그리고 총 1,213 사례가 진단되었습니다.

Xinjing News Shell Finance와의 인터뷰에서, 장 볼리, 국가명예칭호를 수여받은 자 “인민의 영웅”, 중국공정원 원사, 천진중의약대학교 명예총장, said that the epidemic in Fujian is still on the rise, but he believes that the epidemic in Fujian can be controlled within a month or so.

장 볼리

Zhang Boli said that since the emergence of confirmed cases on September 10, the number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in Fujian Province has continued to grow for many days, distributed in Putian, Xiamen and Quanzhou. According to the current situation, this outbreak in Fujian has the following characteristics.

첫 번째, the outbreak was triggered by the importation of Delta variant strains. Delta variant strains have high viral load, high transmission capacity, fast transmission, and long turnaround time. 두번째, the latent transmission period is long, and the Putian outbreak was found before or has been spread in schools for 10 days.Third, the point of transmission is special, and schools have become the point of transmission, which is very different from previous outbreaks, with more children infected, increasing the difficulty of tracing the source and prevention and control. Fourth, compared with the outbreaks in Yangzhou and Nanjing, the current round of outbreaks currently has more confirmed cases of mild and asymptomatic infections, and the overall age of the infected is young.

Zhang Boli pointed out that although the epidemic has not yet spread outside the province on a large scale, and is currently being stepped up to screen for traceability, there is still a risk of it continuing to spread to other areas in the short term, so it should not be taken lightly. The situation is more complicated than in Yangzhou and Nanjing, Fujian, 감염된 그룹이 여전히 증가하고 있으며 전송 체인이 완전히 식별 및 차단되지 않은 경우, 단기적으로 다른 지역으로 확산될 위험이 여전히 존재.
“예방 및 통제가 가장 중요한 단계에 도달했습니다.. 그러나 중국의 여러 곳에서 사전 예방 및 통제 경험을 바탕으로, 과학적이고 효과적인 추적성을 준수합니다., 한의학과 서양의학의 합동 치료에 중점을 둡니다., efforts to improve the cure rate and prevent nosocomial infection, I believe that the epidemic in Fujian can be controlled in about a month.Zhang Boli said.


원천:Beijing News

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    메디컬 테크놀로지(주), 주식회사. 중국의 의료 용품 전문 제조업체입니다., 우리는 나일론 무리를 지어 면봉을 생산하고 판매합니다, VTM 키트, 타액 수집 키트 및 CHG 면봉 & 델타 변종에 효과적인 중국에서 가장 많이 사용되는 COVID-19 백신.

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