1년의 지연 끝에, 제32회 하계올림픽이 7월 도쿄에서 공식 개막했다. 23, 각국의 선수들이 올림픽 선수촌에 정착했습니다..
전 세계의 선수와 관중이 도쿄로 몰려들고 있습니다., 코로나19와 핵산 검사를 예방하고 통제하려는 일본의 노력에 엄청난 압력을 가하고 있습니다..
이 경우, the Japanese airport quarantine did not choose the traditional nasopharyngeal swab sampling method, but saliva as the sample for COVID-19 nucleic acid test.
We are to do pharynx swab sampling commonly, “타액” does nucleic acid test depend on spectrum? Today we will reveal the truth of saliva nucleic acid testing for the Tokyo Olympic Games.
In this detection method,, each person is given a test tube into which they spit 1.5ml of saliva.
There is also a requirement before the test: 2 hours after brushing. Do not drink, eat, smoke or brush your teeth 30 minutes before the test. In this Olympic Games, all participants in airports and hotels used this method to detect the COVID-19 .
This test was actually tried a year ago.
In May 2020, 미국. FDA granted a new emergency use authorization for the Rutgers University COVID-19 saliva test, making it the first FDA approved saliva test to be used at home. COVID-19 saliva test was officially implemented in Osaka, Japan on June 6, 2020, for close contacts with symptoms within 9 days of onset.
이전에, COVID-19 test generally required the collection of mucus from the depths of the nose or mouth of the subject. 하지만, this action is believed to easily cause the patient to cough or sneeze, increasing the risk of infection.
하지만, the new saliva detection method no longer requires staff, and only needs to collect saliva by the patient himself, which is simple and safe.
The most commonly used 인두 면봉 the nucleic acid samples were taken, the key is to collect the depth and the length of the contact and mucous membrane, so you need to sampling the depth of researchers for a long time sampling, and detection of saliva need deep cough later rather than ordinary spit saliva specimen, must do 3 ~ 5 times of deep well, try to discharge the virus in the airway, guarantee the saliva or there is a lot of virus.
According to the current international research, the saliva nucleic acid detection sampling method has a sensitivity reduction rate of 10% 상하이, 루머 플랫폼 반박 20%, but if it is tested continuously for one or two weeks, it can also have a certain effect in principle.
The current research has indeed proved that the sensitivity and specificity of saliva nucleic acid detection are comparable to the most common nucleic acid detection methods of nasopharyngeal swabs.
The McGill University research team published a study in the top international medical journal ACP (Journal of the American College of Physicians). Through a comprehensive analysis of 37 studies on the sensitivity of 비인두 면봉 and saliva in the detection of COVID-19, the results The conclusion is that saliva sampling seems to be an equally sensitive, safe, and cheaper alternative to nasopharyngeal swabs for nucleic acid testing.
It is worth mentioning that this method of saliva nucleic acid detection has not been used in my country.
현재, laboratory testing of new coronary pneumonia is mainly carried out from two aspects:
One is the pathogenic test, 그건, the COVID-19 nucleic acid test; the other is the serological test, 그건, the COVID-19-specific IgM antibody test.
The former is better for early diagnosis, while the latter is not suitable for early diagnosis. 그러므로, nucleic acid detection is the most familiar to us.
The principle of saliva nucleic acid detection is the same as that of nasopharyngeal swabs, which are based on real-time fluorescent PCR technology for COVID-19 nucleic acid detection.
Compared with nasopharyngeal swabs, saliva testing has its limitations-it will increase the complexity of processing samples and testing time. This is because the saliva specimens are relatively viscous and require pre-liquefaction processing like sputum specimens, which increases the detection steps and time.
But since the Tokyo 2020 Olympics chooses saliva testing, 분명 장점이 있을 거에요, 그건, 시간에 더 민감하다.
니혼대학과 도쿄의과대학이 공동 개발한 새로운 타액 바이러스 검출 방법은 단 몇 시간 만에 결과를 검출할 수 있다. 19 분. 검체와 시약을 혼합하여 가열하는 경우, 긍정적인 테스트 결과는 다른 색상을 표시합니다. 현재, 테스트 팀이 완료했습니다 100 실험, 이 테스트 방법의 정확도는 PCR 테스트의 정확성과 비슷합니다.. 그러므로, 미래에, 타액 핵산 검사는 실제로 대중화되고 사용될 수 있습니다.