» 회사 뉴스 » Be wary of COVID-19’s “사람을 사물 속으로 통과시키는 것”

코로나19를 조심하세요 “사람을 사물 속으로 통과시키는 것”


최근에, 중국 곳곳에서 코로나19 폐렴 환자가 확인됐다., 그리고 현상 “인간 대 인간 전염” 코로나19로 대중의 우려가 커졌다. 기존 보고서에 따르면, 이런 종류의 감염은 주로 환자에 의해 발생합니다’ 코로나19에 오염된 콜드체인 식품 및 그 외부 포장과 해외 용기 노출. How should we prevent this kind of infection? Yesterday, our reporter visited the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention on related issues. Experts put forward a series of targeted suggestions: for the health of you and your family, do not relax your vigilance, continue to do personal daily protection, correctly purchase, handle and eat cold chain food, and strengthen job protection for cold chain food practitioners.

1. Purchase of cold chain food.Go to regular supermarkets or markets to buy cold chain foods, and wear masks correctly when purchasing; Avoid touching the food surface with bare hands. It is recommended to use disposable gloves or use disposable plastic bags to cover your hands backwards for selection; Pay attention to food labels such as production date, shelf life and storage conditions, as well as relevant information such as origin, source and imported food quarantine, and do not purchase cold chain foods without clear source information; Wash hands with soap or hand sanitizer in time after shopping, and do not touch the mouth, 코, eyes and other parts before washing hands; If it is purchased through Haitao, Daigou and other channels, the packaging surface must be disinfected and protected during processing.

2.Cleaning and processing of cold chain food.Keep the kitchen clean and ventilated, and wash your hands before and after contacting cold chain food; The processing process should be separated from raw and cooked, and the pots, knives and chopping boards used for processing cold chain foods should be cleaned in time to prevent splashing during cleaning; After processing, clean and disinfect the surface of objects such as environment and kitchen countertops; Collect food residues in time and discard them in separate garbage bags; Cold-chain foods should be stored in the freezer of refrigerator. Do not store them for too long. Pay attention to store them in layers with cooked food.

3.Protection of cold chain food practitioners.Employees should do a good job in health monitoring, take up their posts without illness, cooperate with body temperature testing before taking up their posts, and cooperate with nucleic acid screening when necessary; High-risk people who repeatedly contact imported cold chain foods, such as loading and unloading porters, wear work clothes, disposable medical masks and gloves before taking up their posts, and wear goggles and face screens when necessary; During the whole handling process, prevent the skin from directly contacting the surface of cold chain articles. Once there is direct contact, immediately stop working and disinfect, and wash hands and disinfect in time after handling; In case of package damage, immediately recycle the scattered food, and disinfect the polluted environment and object surface; Do not touch the mouth, 코, 눈, 등. before taking off your overalls and washing your hands for disinfection.

천진 Hailian 냉장 창고는 북미 돼지 머리입니다 천진 Hailian 냉장 창고는 북미 돼지 머리입니다

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    메디컬 테크놀로지(주), 주식회사. 중국의 의료 용품 전문 제조업체입니다., 우리는 나일론 무리를 지어 면봉을 생산하고 판매합니다, VTM 키트, 타액 수집 키트 및 CHG 면봉 & 델타 변종에 효과적인 중국에서 가장 많이 사용되는 COVID-19 백신.

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    주소: 방 201, 301 그리고 401 A동 10호, 바오롱 5번가, 통글 커뮤니티, 바오롱 스트리트, 롱강 지구,선전, 광동, 중국.

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