AP 통신에 따르면, 현지 시간으로 21일 오후, 바이든 미국 대통령 당선자는 델라웨어 병원에서 공개적으로 코로나19 백신을 접종받았다., 백신의 안전성을 대중에게 증명하고자. 바이든은 말했다: “나는 사람들이 백신 접종을 받을 수 있을 때 대비해야 한다는 것을 보여주기 위해 이렇게 했습니다.” “걱정할 것이 없습니다.”
하지만, he pointed out that it “takes time” to distribute the vaccine, and urged Americans to take preventive measures during the holidays to avoid the spread of the virus, including wearing masks. “If you don’t need to travel, don’t travel,” 바이든은 말했다. “This is really important.” 보고서에 따르면, Biden thanked those involved in vaccine development and distribution and front-line medical staff during the injection. Biden’s wife Jill finished vaccination a few hours ago.
더 일찍, Biden’s transition team said that Vice President-elect Harris would be vaccinated one week after Biden’s vaccination. Medical experts suggested that they had better stagger the vaccination time of the first dose to avoid the side effects of the vaccine. 최근에, Cedric Richmond, a consultant of Biden, tested positive in COVID-19. But a spokesman for Biden said Biden tested negative in SARS-CoV-2 on December 17th. It is also reported that many senior officials, including Vice President Burns and Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi, were vaccinated on December 18th.
Biden had previously announced his three 100-day anti-epidemic plans after taking office. He plans to require Americans to wear masks and get at least 100 million doses of vaccines within 100 days after he took office on January 20, 2021, and to let students return to school as soon as possible. COVID-19 vaccination started in the United States on December 14th. The first group of vaccinators were medical staff and people living in long-term nursing institutions such as nursing homes, but it will take several months to vaccinate a wide range of people.
US President Trump previously said that he has no plans to vaccinate. 하지만,
White House spokesman McNarney said that Trump is “
absolutely open”
to vaccination,
and once the president’s medical team determines that vaccination is the best plan,
Trump will be vaccinated.