우리를. 새로 진단 180,000 하루 만에 새로운 크라운 면봉
The epidemic has worsened, election disputes, 우리를. 새로 진단 180,000 하루 만에 새로운 크라운 면봉. The United States has recently become the focus of global attention.
우리를. expert: The uncontrolled epidemic in the United States is like a massacre
The latest statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that as of 16:25 on the 13th, Eastern time, 미국의 신형 관상동맥폐렴 누적 확진자 수에 도달했습니다. 10,693,773, and the number of deaths reached 243,466. 과거에 24 시간, 있었다 180,705 newly confirmed cases in the United States, a record high, ~와 함께 939 new deaths.
The new crown pneumonia epidemic in the United States continues to worsen, and the number of new cases is rising every day. On the 12th local time, many American experts said in an interview with the media that the out-of-control epidemic in the United States is a humanitarian disaster, like a massacre.
CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta: The epidemic in the United States is a humanitarian disaster, and it may be the worst report since I worked in this media. The epidemic was terrible. The worst was Haiti (그만큼 2010 earthquake) which caused about 200,000 사망자, but the situation was completely different at that time. It was a natural disaster.
Peter Hottz, director of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor University School of Medicine in the United States, also said that this epidemic is like a massacre, so many lives should not have died.
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