이스라엘 보건부: 신종 코로나바이러스 검사용 바이러스 샘플링 키트: 15,000 하루에 몇 번
신화통신, 예루살렘, 4월 28 (Shang Hao 및 Chen Wenxian 기자) 이스라엘 보건부는 28일 신종 코로나 바이러스에 대한 국가의 일일 탐지 용량이 도달했다고 밝혔다. 15,000 로 증가할 것입니다. 20,000 in the near future.
The Ministry of Health of Israel stated that with the recent decrease in newly confirmed cases and the number of people actively seeking testing, the Ministry of Health will start a random testing program in areas with a high risk of new coronavirus infection in the next step.
According to the new crown epidemic data released by the Israeli Ministry of Health on the evening of the 28th, the country has 173 new confirmed cases and a total of 15,728 확진자, 포함 116 심한 경우; 6 new deaths and a total of 210 사망자; 546 new cured cases , 7746 cases were cured.
Israel is gradually easing restrictions on the epidemic. The Ministry of Education announced on the 28th that kindergartens and elementary schools will gradually start and resume classes on the premise that relevant conditions are met. Kindergarten and elementary school students from first to third grades will return to campus from May 3, and the fourth grade and above of elementary school , Higher education students will continue to study distance.
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