» 산업 뉴스 » How to Sample with MEIDIKE GENE Cellulose Sponge

MEIDIKE GENE 셀룰로오스 스폰지로 샘플링하는 방법


셀룰로오스 스폰지를 사용한 샘플링은 환경 테스트와 같은 산업에서 널리 사용되는 기술입니다., 진단, 및 산업 품질 관리. 탁월한 흡수 특성 덕분에, 셀룰로오스 스폰지는 표면이나 액체에서 샘플을 수집하기 위한 실용적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 도구입니다.. 이 단계별 가이드에서는, we’ll explain how to use MEIDIKE GENE® cellulose sponge correctly to ensure accurate and consistent results.

What is a Cellulose Sponge?

A cellulose sponge is a natural, highly absorbent material made from cellulose fibers. Due to their porous structure, these sponges can efficiently absorb and transfer liquids or particulates. This quality makes them a preferred tool for sample collection in microbiological studies, environmental monitoring, and clinical applications. 추가적으로, cellulose sponges are versatile and easy to use, even in challenging environmental conditions.

여기를 클릭하세요 MEIDIKE GENE® cellulose sponge 정보


Step-by-Step Instructions for Sampling with MEIDIKE GENE Cellulose Sponge

Whether you’re conducting environmental testing or microbiological sampling, following the correct procedure is essential for obtaining reliable results. Let’s break down the process:

1. Label the Bag

Start by labeling the sampling bag in the designated white area. If needed, use a pen to record sampling details such as location, 시간, or sample ID. 메모: Gloves are not necessary for this procedure unless otherwise specified by your protocol.

2. Open the Bag

Carefully open the bag along the dotted line. Avoid touching the inside of the bag to maintain sample integrity.

3. Release the Sponge Stick

Pull the bag downward from the outside to release the sponge stick. Be mindful not to touch the stick below the thumb stop, as this could contaminate the sponge or inner surface of the bag.

4. 샘플 수집

Using the sponge, vigorously rub the target area to collect your sample. For best results, focus on a defined area, ~와 같은 30 x 30 센티미터 (1 x 1 ft), depending on your testing requirements.

Important Note: Avoid using sponge-sticks on rough surfaces, as friction may cause the sponge to detach from the stick.

5. Return the Stick to the Bag

Once you’ve collected the sample, carefully return the stick to the bag. Insert the stick no deeper than the thumb stop to prevent contamination.

6. Remove the Sponge from the Stick

To remove the sponge:

  • Grasp the sponge from the outside of the bag.
  • Press and pull it from the middle of the stick’s fork-like end.
  • Use your thumb and index finger to gently work the sponge back and forth until it detaches from the stick.

7. Seal the Bag

Close the bag using the attached twist tie. Roll the bag’s opening tightly, then secure the tie by kinking it to the inside of the bag. This step helps prevent leaks or contamination during transport.

성공적인 시료 수집을 위한 팁

  • Plan Ahead: Ensure you have all necessary materials, including labeled bags, sponge sticks, and any additional tools required.
  • Minimize Contamination: Handle the sponge and stick only as instructed to avoid accidental contamination.
  • Practice Consistency: Apply even pressure and follow the same technique for all samples to maintain uniformity.

Applications of Cellulose Sponge Sampling

This sampling method is used in various fields, 포함:

  • Environmental Testing: Monitoring surfaces for contaminants or pathogens.
  • Food Safety: Collecting samples from processing equipment or surfaces to ensure hygiene compliance.
  • Clinical Research: Sampling biological materials for diagnostic purposes.

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    메디컬 테크놀로지(주), 주식회사. 중국의 의료 용품 전문 제조업체입니다., 우리는 나일론 무리를 지어 면봉을 생산하고 판매합니다, VTM 키트, 타액 수집 키트 및 CHG 면봉 & 델타 변종에 효과적인 중국에서 가장 많이 사용되는 COVID-19 백신.

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    주소: 방 201, 301 그리고 401 A동 10호, 바오롱 5번가, 통글 커뮤니티, 바오롱 스트리트, 롱강 지구,선전, 광동, 중국.

    편물: www.medicoswab.com

    전화 번호: +86 0755-28997664

    이메일: info@medicoswab.com