» 회사 뉴스 » Due to exposure to a positive patient with the new crown

새로운 크라운을 씌운 양성 환자의 노출로 인해


새로운 크라운을 씌운 양성 환자의 노출로 인해, British Prime Minister Johnson is self-isolating
People’s Daily Overseas Network

According to a news released by the Prime Minister’s Office on November 15 현지 시각, British Prime Minister Johnson is in self-isolation, due to exposure to a positive patient with the new crown. Johnson was notified by the British National Health Service (NHS) testing and tracking system that some of his contacts were infected with the new crown virus.

According to a spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office, Johnson willabide by the epidemic prevention rules and self-quarantine at No. 10 Downing Streetand will continue to work. He added: “The Prime Minister is in good condition and has not shown any symptoms of the new coronavirus.

Boris Johnson met with several MPs on Thursday (12일) morning, including Lee Anderson, a councillor for Ashfield in the west of Nottinghamshire, England. 그후, Anderson developed symptoms of new coronavirus infection and tested positive.

올해 4월, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spent three nights in the intensive care unit because of the new crown virus. (Main station reporter Kang Yubin)

exposure to a positive patient with the new crown exposure to a positive patient with the new crown

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