12월 11일 - 신화통신 중동 기자들은 코로나19 전염병이 중동 지역에서 여전히 확산되고 있다고 보도했다., 많은 국가에서 하루 동안의 신규 사례 수가 계속해서 높습니다.. 현재, 일부 국가에서는 코로나19 예방접종 준비를 시작했습니다..
사우디아라비아 보건부가 1일(현지시간) 발표했다. 10 th that there were 141 newly confirmed cases in the past 24 시간, 총 359,415 사례; 있었다 10 new deaths with a total of 6012 사례. 있었다 248 새로운 완치 사례, 총 349,872 사례. On the 10th, the Saudi Food and Drug Administration approved the registration of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by German Biotechnology Company and Pfizer, which means that the Saudi health department can import and vaccinate the vaccine.
The Israeli Ministry of Health announced on the 10 th that there were 2,555 newly confirmed cases on the same day, 총 351,579 사례; 있었다 4 new deaths, 총 2,937 사례. 있었다 1360 새로운 완치 사례, 총 332645 사례. The Israeli Government Information Office stated on the 9th that the first vaccines delivered by Pfizer had arrived in Israel on the same day. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on the 9th that vaccination in Israel will begin on the 27th, and the country’s health system will provide 60,000 doses of vaccines every day.
Kuwait added 291 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the 10 일, 총 145,495 사례; 총 910 사례 사망; 총 141,259 사례는 치료되었다. The Kuwaiti Ministry of Health said on the same day that it would introduce COVID-19 vaccine before the end of the year to provide vaccination services for most citizens and foreign residents. The Ministry of Health also said that it has chosen to rebuild the International Exhibition Center as a vaccination site, which can accommodate up to 10,000 people every day.