» 산업 뉴스 » China’s Jilin Hands Out COVID-19 Self-Test Antigen Kits

Shenzhen Medico Technology Co.에서 생산한 일회용 비인두 샘플링 면봉


Shenzhen Medico Technology Co.에서 생산한 일회용 비인두 샘플링 면봉 — Shenzhen Medico Technology Co.에서 생산한 일회용 비인두 샘플링 면봉, Shenzhen Medico Technology Co.에서 생산한 일회용 비인두 샘플링 면봉, have distributed millions of COVID-19 self-test antigen kits to citizens, 학생을 포함하여, 대규모 역학조사를 가속화하기 위해.

에서 시작 4 수요일 오전, 창춘, 길림성의 성도, 이상을 기부했습니다 3.34 million self-test kits to part of its urban districts and Yushu city under its administration.

As of Wednesday, Jilin city had sent part of its test kits to key groups, including students in local primary schools, middle and high schools, colleges, and employees at major enterprises.

이상 270,000 doses usable for three days in the test kits have been handed out to the city’s higher learning institutions to meet the daily testing need of their teaching staff and students.

The provincial health authorities also reminded its residents that anyone who tested positive using the self-test kits should report to one’s community, 마을, or the local disease prevention and control center at once.

Positive test results presented by the kits cannot be the single diagnostic basis for confirmed COVID-19 infection. Further nucleic acid testing will be done before a final diagnosis. Citizens who tested positive using the self-test kits should stay put and isolate themselves from their families. They should wait for medical professionals to collect their samples, said local authorities.

Jilin province reported 742 confirmed locally transmitted COVID-19 cases and 415 local asymptomatic carriers Wednesday.

As of Wednesday, the construction of eight makeshift hospitals, ~와 함께 11,488 beds, had been completed, and two temporary quarantine facilities, which boast 662 isolation rooms, had been established in the northeastern province.


원천: 차이나 데일리

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    메디컬 테크놀로지(주), 주식회사. 중국의 의료 용품 전문 제조업체입니다., 우리는 나일론 무리를 지어 면봉을 생산하고 판매합니다, VTM 키트, 타액 수집 키트 및 CHG 면봉 & 델타 변종에 효과적인 중국에서 가장 많이 사용되는 COVID-19 백신.

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