Nasal swab Will be a polypropylene plastic rod nylon fiber head of the flocking swab gently inserted into the nasal palatal nasal palate,stay for a moment and slowly turn the nasal swab and slowly exit. Take another nasal swab of the nylon fiber head in the same way to collect the other side of the nasal palate.And then immersed in …
DNA paternity test DNA paternity test is the use of medical, biological and genetic theory and technology, from the generation and the parental morphology or physiological function of similar characteristics, analysis of genetic characteristics, To determine whether the relationship between parents and their children is a biological relationship. DNA paternity test no age limit, whether it is prenatal fetus, newborn …
Buccal DNA Flocked Swabs At present, our forensic doctors from the crime scene through the DNA detection of criminals to determine who is the suspect, this collection of DNA samples is the use of Buccal DNA Flocked Swabs, they are generally from the blood, saliva or fingerprints to collect specimens, Different sampling swab collection effect is different, their gap …
flocking sampling swab brochure Product name:Disposable use of medical nylon flocking sample swab Product Categories:Disposable medical supplies Alias:Medico Flocked swabs Use:샘플링용, 최대 컬렉션 출시 90% or more product description:(주)메디코사의 의료용 나일론 플로킹 샘플링 스왑은 신제품의 국제 의료용 샘플링 용품입니다.. The nylon flocking sample swab consists of a …
Introduction of oral swabs In the use of Medico oral swab should pay attention to packaging signs, to check whether the packaging is damaged, such as damaged, 엄격히 금지되어 있습니다. This sampling method is suitable for DNA sample collection in any age group. Step up: 단계 1: prepare a cup of water, drink about 50 ml of water to wash the …
Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs feature: 1 인체 공학 및 해부학적 디자인 2 Improve patient comfort and cell sample collection efficiency. 3 Excellent sample elution 4 Using an open fibrous structure, it immediately removes the sample cells into the liquid medium, 5 Unlike traditional wound swabs, when the sample is caught in the mattress core. 6 Rapid absorption (improved sample …
Disposable sterile sampling swab Medico professional production of disposable sterile sampling swab, there are many types of products, there are nasopharyngeal swabs, 구강 샘플링 면봉, gynecological cervical brush, gene sampling swab Product applications include medical DNA sampling, 구강 샘플링, 바이러스 테스트, 비인두 샘플링, virus bacterial sampling, 실험실 샘플링, 유전자 샘플링, gynecological sampling test. Medico Medical Sampling Flocking Swab Because of it: …
Forensic Collection System Flocked swabs Flocked swabs are ideal for collecting large amount of cells and rapid elution of the specimens instantlyrelease the cells into the transport medium. It is well recognized and adopted by the diagnostic test kit manufacturers who produce reagents in molecular genetics, 법의학, 임상 실험실 부문. Utilising state of the art “ spray ontechnology ” the flocking …
DNA System Forensic Flocked Swab MFS-98000 The latest generation of DNA sample collection tools, especially for contact with DNA, trace DNA material collection MFS-98000 patented technology nylon fiber flocking filling technology, the bottom of the base of the nylon fiber structure, this structure to maximize the efficiency of DNA collection and elution, and the traditional cotton swab or fiber swab …
TOC sampling rods TOC sampling rods three-piece, 부러진 머리 무리를 짓는 섬유 샘플링 막대 포함, 투명한 병, 클린 라벨. 샘플링 로드는 생산 환경의 다양한 영역에서 샘플링되며 직접 파손되어 해당 바이알에 보관될 수 있습니다.. 이 슈트는 TOC의 깨끗한 검사 작업을 보다 쉽고 효과적으로 만들고 전통적인 방식의 교차 감염 가능성을 방지합니다.. …
몰려드는 면봉 도매 Shenzhen Medico Technology Co., 주식회사. 일회용 의료 샘플링 면봉의 전문 생산, 바이러스 샘플링 면봉과 같은, 자궁 경부 샘플링 면봉, 목구멍 샘플링 면봉, 비강 샘플링 면봉, 구강 샘플링 면봉, 여성용 바이러스 샘플링 브러쉬, 부인과 자궁 경부 샘플링 브러시, 보존 솔루션, 피부 외부 어플리케이터, 미생물 샘플링 보유, 질 샘플링 및 기타 일회용 제품. 두 종류의 인후 샘플링 면봉 …
Quantitative detection of viruses and bacterial diseases using Q-PCR using Medico’s sample swabs Medico Technology has an advanced laboratory to develop ever-expanding transport media equipment. Sampling swab is Medtec’s second transport media device launched in 2016. This liquid has long been approved for transporting bacteria to the laboratory for long periods of time. 오늘, technology is increasingly dependent on microbial …