» 회사 뉴스 » Biden received the second dose of the new crown vaccine

Biden은 새로운 왕관 백신의 두 번째 용량을 받았습니다


미국 대통령 차기 Biden은 새로운 크라운 백신의 두 번째 복용량을 받았습니다.

중국 뉴스 서비스, 1 월 12 일. 포괄적 인 보고서에 따르면, 미국 대통령 차기 Biden은 새로운 크라운 백신의 두 번째 복용량을 받았습니다.;

세계 보건기구 (WHO)는 모든 국가에 예방 접종을 가속화 할 것을 촉구했습니다.. 동시에, 세상은 2021, and called on governments and individuals to continue to adhere to prevention and control measures.

1월에 11, 현지 시각, President-elect Biden of the United States publicly received a second dose of the new crown vaccine at Christiana Hospital in Delaware.

According to real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, 현재 7:22 1월에 12, 베이징 시간, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crowns worldwide has exceeded 90.8 million and more than 1.94 백만명의 사망자.

미국. healthcare system is under pressure

Biden receives second dose of new crown vaccine

현재, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 22.57 백만, 이상으로 375,000 사망자. According to data from the New Crown Tracking Project, 1월에 10, 현지 시각, the average daily number of new deaths in the United States within 7 days reached 3249, an increase for 13 연속 일.

As the epidemic continues to worsen, the medical system in parts of the United States is approaching its limits. In Los Angeles County, 캘리포니아, the number of newly confirmed local cases is rising rapidly. On average, one person is infected every 6 초, and another person dies from the new crown every 8 분. There are no intensive care units available in Los Angeles County, and due to lack of staff, some local nurses even work 18 하루에 몇 시간.

게다가, due to the continuous increase in deaths from the new crown, the funeral services in the Los Angeles cemetery have been scheduled to April 2021.

For the US epidemic that has beenout of control”, whether the vaccination work can continue is critical. In order to increase public confidence in vaccination, 1월에 11 현지 시각, US President-elect Biden received a second dose of the new crown vaccine in front of the camera.

그는 말했다, “My first priority is to get people vaccinated as soon as possible, just like I did today.

질병통제예방센터 (질병통제예방센터) said on January 11 that nearly 9 million Americans have received the first dose of the new coronary pneumonia vaccine, and the United States has now distributed nearly 25.5 million doses of the vaccine.

현재, the United States is still struggling to catch up with the promised goal of vaccinating 20 million people with the new crown. But some states said they did not have enough staff or funds to vaccinate at the required rate.

WHO calls on countries to promote vaccination

Global immunization cannot be achieved in 2021

In response to the issue of vaccination, 1월에 11 현지 시각, WHO Director-General Tedros Tedros said that he hopes to accelerate the launch of the new crown vaccine and distribute the vaccine fairly in the coming weeks.

Tan Desai also called on all countries to fulfill their commitment to the “신종관상폐렴백신 실시계획” in order to vaccinate health workers and high-risk groups in all countries within the next 100 날.

같은 날에, Bruce Aylward, a senior adviser to the Director-General of the World Health Organization, said that more than 40 countries have begun to receive the new crown vaccine, but they are all high-income countries and upper-middle-income countries.

WHO plans to accelerate the provision of new crown vaccines to low- and middle-income countries through the “신종관상폐렴백신 실시계획”, and it is expected that these countries will start vaccination in February.

반면에, WHO Chief Scientist Sumia Swaminathan said that the government and individuals still need to adhere to epidemic prevention measures. Although the new crown vaccine has begun to protect the most vulnerable people, no degree of herd immunity will be achieved globally in 2021. .

Swaminathan emphasized that even if some countries can achieve this, they cannot protect the people of the world. Even if vaccination is expanded to all populations, public health measures are still very important.

Biden은 새로운 왕관 백신의 두 번째 용량을 받았습니다 Biden은 새로운 왕관 백신의 두 번째 용량을 받았습니다


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