영국에서 발견된 또 다른 변형: 사스 코로나바이러스 2: 전송이 더 강하고 변화가 더 깊습니다..
신화통신, 런던, 12월 23 (장자웨이 진징 기자) 매튜 핸콕 영국 보건부 장관은 이렇게 말했습니다. 23 rd that the prevention and control level of COVID-19 epidemic in more areas in the east and southeast of England will be raised to the highest level 4. 게다가, another variation, 사스 코로나바이러스 2, was found in Britain.
Hancock said at the press conference on the same day that in view of the epidemic situation, the British government decided to raise the prevention and control level of COVID-19 epidemic in Sussex, Oxford, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridge in England to the fourth level from 26th.
Hancock also said that after discovering a variant SARS-CoV-2, Britain discovered another variant SARS-CoV-2. The new variant virus is “very worrying”, because it is more contagious and seems to be more mutated than the previous variant virus, and British experts are deeply analyzing it.
Hancock said that both cases of new variant virus infection were related to the recent trip to South Africa. The British government has isolated patients and their close contacts, and has imposed restrictions on travel related to South Africa. Those who have been to South Africa in the past two weeks and their close contacts must be isolated immediately.
On the 14th, the British government announced the variation of SARS-CoV-2, and then announced that it would raise the prevention and control level in London, the capital and parts of southeast and east England from the third level to the newly added fourth level from the 20th.
According to the data released by the British government on the 23rd, 있었다 39,237 new confirmed cases in COVID-19 in the past 24 시간, 총 2,149,551 확진자.