» 회사 뉴스 » 4,725 청두에서 확인된 소녀들의 일반 연락처

4,725 청두에서 확인된 소녀들의 일반 연락처


4,725 청두에서 확인된 소녀들의 일반 연락처

According to China Youth Network, 4,725 청두에서 확인된 소녀들의 일반 접촉은 격리되고 통제되었습니다.

현재 18:00 12월 9일, 72 사람들은 긴밀한 접촉을 가졌습니다, 49 긴밀한 접촉을 가졌습니다, 그리고 4,725 일반적인 접촉을 가졌습니다. 모두 격리 통제되고 있다. 제외 4 people who are waiting to leave, all others are negative.

총 35,377 samples were taken in Jinjiang District, 17883 have been obtained, 그리고 76 environmental samples have been sampled with negative results. As a well-known business district in the country, Jinjiang District has strengthened management and control in areas such as Chunxi Road, ifs, and Qingshiqiao seafood market with a large flow of people. 현재, businesses are operating normally and in order.

399,300 people have been tested in Chengdu

Except for the reported cases, the rest are negative

According to Xie Qiang, as of now, the city has dispatched 2,458 samplers and 33 testing institutions to carry out nucleic acid testing in key areas such as Pidu, Chenghua, Jinniu, and Jinjiang. 오늘, 483,800 people were sampled in the city, 그리고 총 739,300 people were sampled, 그리고 399,300 people have been tested. Except for the reported cases, the others are all negative.

The city has collected 630 environmental samples, 그 중 14 were positive and 553 were negative. The remaining results are pending. 총 140 food samples were tested and the results were all negative.

Actively carry out treatment according toone person, one policy

7 patients are currently in stable condition

NS 7 patients are currently being treated in isolation at the Chengdu Public Health Clinical Medical Center. Clinical diagnosis and treatment experts are actively carrying out treatment in accordance with theone person, one policy”, and all patients are in stable condition.

50,000 teachers and students at Chengdu University of Technology

Nucleic acid sampling is expected to be completed at 24:00 tonight

According to Pu Fayou, the mayor of Chengdu’s Chenghua District, Huadu Yunjingtai Community in Cuijiadian, Chengdu’s Chenghua District has been designated as a medium-risk area for 24 시간. According to the current situation, Huadu Cloud has stayed in the confirmed cases. Jingtai community, Haiwuli small bar, Chengdu University of Technology, 등. arrange special classes to find potential contacts.

그들 중, all teachers and students of Chengdu University of Technology are included in nucleic acid testing, 150 nucleic acid testing sites have been set up on campus, 그리고 300 nucleic acid testing personnel have been in place to ensure that 50,000 teachers and students should be checked. Sampling will be completed before 24:00 tonight.

에서 6 o’clock last night to 6 o’clock today, 65,933 people and 22 environmental samples were newly sampled in Chenghua. 총 68,011 people have been sampled in Chenghua. All the test results that have come out are negative.

4,725 general contacts of confirmed girls 4,725 general contacts of confirmed girls

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