» 회사 뉴스 » 4 어제 길림성 비인두 면봉채취 신규 확진자 발생

4 어제 길림성 비인두 면봉채취 신규 확진자 발생


4 어제 길림성 비인두 면봉채취 신규 확진자 발생

원천: Jilin Health Commission

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission on the situation of the new coronavirus pneumonia: 4 어제 길림성 비인두 면봉채취 신규 확진자 발생

에서 0-24 2월의 시 1, 1 새로 확인된 사례 (1 통화시에서) 그리고 3 무증상 감염 (1 창춘시와 2 통화시에서) were newly discovered in the province. All of them passed the isolation of medical observation personnel. Active testing and screening were carried out and found that among the previously reported asymptomatic infections in designated medical institutions for centralized isolation and medical observation, 3 cases were converted to confirmed cases (3 cases in Tonghua City). 있다 6 확진자 (1 in Changchun City, 5 통화시에서) of confirmed cases that reached the discharge standards for new coronary pneumonia and were cured and discharged; 1 사례 (1 통화시에서) was released from isolation for medical observation of asymptomatic infections.

현재 24:00 2 월 1, 348 confirmed cases were treated in the province (98 in Changchun, 246 in Tonghua, 그리고 4 in Songyuan), 그 중 8 were critically ill, 26 were severe, 그리고 237 were ordinary. 77 cases of mild type; 15 cases of asymptomatic infections (6 cases in Changchun City, 9 cases in Tonghua City).

현재, the above confirmed cases have been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment, and the above asymptomatic infections have been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation and medical observation. The close contacts, sub-close contacts and general contacts of the above persons have been traced and investigated, and control measures have been implemented, and their lives and workplaces have been terminally disinfected.

Remind the general public that if you are a person returning to Kyrgyzstan from an epidemic area in Heilongjiang Province and a medium-high risk area in China, or a person who has contact with the above confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections, you must take the initiative to report to the local community (마을 ) Report, and cooperate with the control and nucleic acid detection. In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the epidemic, everyone must “do not gather, pay attention to hygiene, 마스크를 쓰다, and maintain a safe social distance.” Once acute respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough occur, please wear a medical mask and go to the fever clinic of a designated local medical institution in time.

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    메디컬 테크놀로지(주), 주식회사. 중국의 의료 용품 전문 제조업체입니다., 우리는 나일론 무리를 지어 면봉을 생산하고 판매합니다, VTM 키트, 타액 수집 키트 및 CHG 면봉 & 델타 변종에 효과적인 중국에서 가장 많이 사용되는 COVID-19 백신.

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