» 회사 뉴스 » 3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai

3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai


3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai

Beijing Daily Client Released

The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission notified this morning: 2월에 4, 2021, Shanghai will add 3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia with local 10 mixed 1 견본 추출

Through the port joint prevention and control mechanism, two confirmed cases of imported new coronary pneumonia were reported.

10 새로운 사례가 완치되어 퇴원했습니다., 포함 4 cases from Canada, 3 cases from the United States, 1 case from Brazil, 1 case from Switzerland, 그리고 1 case from Israel.

Case 1 is of Chinese nationality, lives in Canada, departed from Canada, and arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on January 31. After entering the country, he was quarantined and observed, and symptoms appeared during the period. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and imaging examination results, 등., are diagnosed as confirmed cases.

Case 2 is of Chinese nationality, traveling in the UAE, departing from the UAE, and arriving at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on February 1. After entering the country, he was placed under quarantine for observation, during which symptoms developed. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and imaging examination results, 등., are diagnosed as confirmed cases.

Two confirmed imported cases abroad have been transferred to designated medical institutions for treatment, 98 people who have been in close contact with the flight have been traced, and centralized isolation and observation have been implemented.

에서 0-24:00 2 월 3, 2021, 3 newly confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia were added.

Case 1 lives in Huangpu District and is a close contact of the confirmed case. She was quarantined and observed on January 21, during which symptoms appeared. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and imaging examination results, 등., are diagnosed as confirmed cases.

Case 2 lives in Baoshan District and is a close contact of the confirmed case. She was quarantined and observed on January 22, during which symptoms appeared. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and imaging examination results, 등., are diagnosed as confirmed cases.

Case 3 lives in Huangpu District, lives in the same community as the confirmed case, and has a history of suspicious contact with him. She was quarantined and observed on January 21, during which symptoms appeared. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and imaging examination results, 등., are diagnosed as confirmed cases.

All contacts related to the 3 cases have implemented centralized isolation medical observation. Terminal disinfection has been carried out on the places where the cases have been active.

현재 24:00 2 월 3, 2021, 총 1344 imported confirmed cases were imported from abroad, 1240 were discharged, 그리고 104 were treated in hospital (1 severely ill). There is 1 suspected case to be investigated.

현재 24:00 2 월 3, 2021, 총 370 local confirmed cases have been confirmed, 342 have been cured and discharged, 21 have been treated in the hospital, 그리고 7 have died. There are currently 0 suspected cases to be investigated.

현재 24:00 2 월 3, 2021, 0 cases of asymptomatic infection are still under medical observation.

Source Shanghai release

Edit Meng Ziwei

Process Editor Liu Weili

3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai 3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai

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