»» 会社のニュース » What is the total number of Covid-19 tests in China?



最近, 中国の公的国立医療保健機関は、合計で以下の検査を実施した。 90.41 1コピーあたり100万件の新型コロナウイルス核酸検査, 国際的に大きな注目を集めている.
郭燕紅, 中国国家衛生健康委員会の医療管理および病院管理の監督者, stated in Beijing on the 24th that as of June 22, the total number ofCovid-19 tests performed by medical and health institutions across the country reached 90.41 million per copy. “From these data, we can see that China Covid-19 tests The detection capability has been greatly improved”.
At the press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of China that day, Guo Yanhong pointed out that the Covid-19 tests capabilities of medical and health institutions across the country have been greatly improved compared with the beginning of March.
In terms of testing institutions, から 2081 at the beginning of March to 4804 今, の増加 131%. その中で, がある 2,120 三次病院, 1,350 secondary hospitals, 916 疾病管理機関, と 418 independent medical laboratories.
In terms of technical personnel, the total number of technical personnel engaged in nucleic acid detection also rose from 13,900 に 28,500, の増加 104%.
In terms of testing capacity, the national nucleic acid testing capacity has increased from 1.26 million people per day in early March to 3.78 million people per day, の増加 200%.

Covid-19テスト Covid-19 testl


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