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COVID-19 PCR test

NS 鼻スワブ PCR test for COVID-19 is an accurate and reliable test for diagnosing COVID-19. 検査結果が陽性である場合は、新型コロナウイルス感染症に感染している可能性が高いことを意味します. 検査が陰性だった場合は、検査時におそらく COVID-19 に感染していなかった可能性があります。. 新型コロナウイルス感染症の症状がある場合、または新型コロナウイルス感染症の検査で陽性反応が出た人と接触したことがある場合は、検査を受けてください.

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for COVID-19 is a molecular test that analyzes your upper respiratory specimen, looking for genetic material (ribonucleic acid or RNA) of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 を引き起こすウイルス. Scientists use the PCR technology to amplify small amounts of RNA from specimens into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is replicated until SARS-CoV-2 is detectable if present. The PCR test has been the gold standard test for diagnosing COVID-19 since authorized for use in February 2020. It’s accurate and reliable.

There are three key steps to the COVID-19 PCR test:

サンプルコレクション: A healthcare provider uses a swab to collect respiratory material found in your nose. A swab is a soft tip on a long, flexible stick that goes into your nose. There are different types of nose swabs, including nasal swabs that collect a sample immediately inside your nostrils and nasopharyngeal swabs that go further into the nasal cavity for collection. Either type of swab is sufficient for collecting material for the COVID-19 PCR test. 回収後, the swab is sealed in a tube and then sent to a laboratory.
抽出: When a laboratory scientist receives the sample, they isolate (extract) genetic material from the rest of the material in the sample.
PCR: The PCR step then uses special chemicals and enzymes and a PCR machine called a thermal cycler. Each heating and cooling cycle increases (amplifies) the amount of the targeted genetic material in the test tube. After many cycles, millions of copies of a small portion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’s genetic material are present in the test tube. One of the chemicals in the tube produces a fluorescent light if SARS-CoV-2 is present in the sample. Once amplified enough, the PCR machine can detect this signal. Scientists use special software to interpret the signal as a positive test result.

What do COVID-19 PCR test results mean?
A positive test result means that it’s likely that you have an infection with SARS-CoV-2. This could be due to asymptomatic infection, but if you have symptoms, then this infection is called COVID-19. Most people have mild illness and can recover safely at home without medical care. Contact your healthcare provider if your symptoms get worse or if you have questions or concerns.

A negative test result means you probably didn’t have an infection with SARS-CoV-2 at the time your specimen was collected. しかし, it’s possible to have COVID-19 but not have the virus detected by the test. 例えば, this may happen if you recently became infected but you don’t have symptoms yet — or it could happen if you’ve had COVID-19 for more than a week before being tested. A negative test doesn’t mean you are safe for any length of time: You can be exposed to COVID-19 after your test, get infected and spread the SARS-Cov-2 virus to others.

If your test is positive, talk with your healthcare provider, stay home and separate yourself from others. If your test is negative, continue to take steps to protect yourself and others from getting COVID-19.


ソース: clevelandclinic


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