»» 会社のニュース » The source of the epidemic in Dalian and Shenyang has been initially identified



あった 42 中国国内の新たな感染者, そして大連と瀋陽の感染状況の原因が最初に特定された!

国家衛生健康委員会によると、 12 番目, から 0: 00 に 24: 00 で 11 番目, 31 地方 (自治区および中央直轄市) 新疆生産建設兵団が報告した。 55 新たに確認された症例, 含む 42 地元の事例 (40 cases in Hebei, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Heilongjiang); あった 81 新しい無症候性感染症 (10 海外から輸入された).

Hebei Provincial Health and Health Commission reported on the 12 th that from 0: 00 に 24: 00 1月に 11, 40 new cases of local novel coronavirus were confirmed in Hebei Province, そのうちの 39 cases were reported in Shijiazhuang City (2 cases were asymptomatic infected people turned into confirmed cases), Langfang City reported 1 場合; 26 new cases of asymptomatic infection were reported in Shijiazhuang. It is understood that many of the confirmed cases in Shijiazhuang have attended wedding banquets; Another person has been to Fuyang, Anhui Province and Shenmu, Shaanxi Province.

同時に, Gu ‘an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province reported the travel track of a confirmed case of pneumonia in COVID-19. Zhou, a staff member of a Beijing company, lives in the British Palace Phase 5 community in Gu ‘an County and used to take Metro Line 4 while working in Beijing.

報告によると, the relevant departments of Gu ‘an County found that Zhou traveled to Shijiazhuang from December 31, 2020 to January 3, 2021. After understanding that Zhou had contact with confirmed cases, Gu ‘an County immediately took isolation and control measures and carried out nucleic acid detection. In the early morning of January 11th, the results of nucleic acid test fed back by Langfang CDC were positive.

According to the Hebei Provincial Health and Health Commission, the fifth phase of the British Palace in Gu ‘an County, Langfang has been adjusted as a medium-risk area since the 12th.


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