Covid-19の肺炎の喉のスワブと血液サンプルは正確です. 採血および喉のスワブ検査のために公立病院に行くのが最善です, その後、結果が得られます 6 hours.たとえば,検査結果が陽性の場合, it means that the body has been infected with the virus.Patients who are carrying coronavirus will have a period of latent period.And then getting sick within 2-7 日々,and they will get cold in the early stage.
Advantages of Medico’s professional fast new throat swab
1,Made of non-inhibiting DNA amplification material, PCRで直接増幅できる, omitting the extraction step.
2, 独立包装,avoid pollution.
3, Strict process conditions, dnaseおよび増幅可能なヒトDNAを含まない.
4,Transparent tube body.