»» 会社のニュース » Rapid Detection of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae by Throat Swab Rapid Cultures



Clinical study mycoplasma pneumonia quick throat swab culture

現在のところ, the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection mainly P C R detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae D N A, serum IgM antibody detection, rapid throat swab Mycoplasma culture. P C R detection Mycoplasma pneumoniae D N A diagnosis of fast, sensitive, high specificity, can be used for early diagnosis, but this method requires high experimental conditions, only in scientific research units and some tertiary hospitals, and the majority of primary hospitals failed to carry out. Serum IgM antibody detection of the highest positive rate, the method is to detect serum antibodies. Rather than direct detection of pathogens; but the body infection after about 1 week to produce IgM antibodies, early onset can not be detected, the adverse cases of early, may result in missed diagnosis, 治療が間に合わない.

Clinical study mycoplasma pneumonia quick throat swab culture

According to the relevant data reported [5I61, in mycoplasma pneumoniae detection of various methods, the fastest course of throat swab positive culture of the shortest duration, suggesting that patients with shorter duration of the test method for the detection of a higher positive rate for the clinical diagnosis of mycoplasma infection Has obvious advantages, especially in early children, the effect is better. This method is simple, take a short time, positive rate, specificity, high sensitivity, clinical compliance rate, the price is cheap. Suitable for general laboratory application, can be used as the first choice of diagnosis of mycoplasma infection test.

Medico in the production of flock sampling swab throat swab, Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection research provides a good research tool



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