»» 会社のニュース » What does it mean for Italian patients to trace the source of COVID-19 at the end of last year

イタリアの患者が昨年末に COVID-19 の感染源を追跡したことは何を意味するのか


COVID-19における肺炎の流行に向けて, 多くの国で今も猛威を振るっている, ウイルスのトレーサビリティは、常に世界中の科学者の主要なタスクの 1 つでした。. ますます多くの研究成果が公開されています, 多くの証拠は、武漢が唯一の場所ではない可能性があることを示しています “COVID-19の感染源” 一部の外国メディアが言うように. Scholars from Milan University in Italy and Memorial University in Newfoundland in Canada recently published a paper in EmergingInfectiousDiseases, an academic journal affiliated to CDC in the United States, saying that they found that a throat swab sample collected in Italy in early December last year was positive for COVID-19 test, nearly three months before the first COVID-19 case reported by Italy in February 2020. Domestic scholars said in an interview with Global Times on the 10th that, combined with some previous research results, this new study shows that Italy probably had COVID-19 spread before the Wuhan outbreak, but it does not mean that Italy is the source of the virus.

The above research is led by scholars from Milan University, who analyzed throat swab samples of 39 Italian patients from September 2019 2月まで 2020. Through laboratory tests, a sample from a 4-year-old boy was positive for COVID-19, and the sequencing was 100% consistent with the sequences of Wuhan-HU-1 strain and COVID-19 strain which spread around the world. しかし, this study could not confirm the source of the detected strain. “Compared with antibody detection, the nucleic acid detection adopted by Milan University’s latest research is more reliable, and it is also more powerful to prove that foreign countries may have COVID-19 pneumonia cases earlier than Wuhan.An unnamed virologist in China told the Global Times on the 10 番目. The reporter analyzed that, and this sample is the same as the virus sequence of the earliest case in Wuhan, indicating that the source is the same. “It may have been infected in Italy before countries realized the existence of COVID-19.

A scholar said that many studies have suggested that there were traces of SARS-CoV-2 before Wuhan outbreak in Italy, スペイン, the United States and other countries, including human samples and environmental samples, all of which detected the existence of virus. Peter Foster, a geneticist at Cambridge University, recently said in an email interview with Global Times that there is a 95% probability that SARS-CoV-2 will spread among humans between September 13 and December 7, 2019. 加えて, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province reported on the 10th that there was a new local case in Dongning City and suifenhe city City, and the two cities entered a wartime state. According to the latest report of epidemic situation in Chengdu, on 10th, Lidu re-examined the isolated and closely connected people, そして見つけた 2 確定例と 2 asymptomatic patients.

added a new positive case added a new positive case


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