»» 会社のニュース » The Kashgar epidemic may be related to the local temperature drop



10月25日の夕方, 新jiangの人民政府の報道機関は、カシュガーの流行の状況に関する記者会見を開催しました, 10月24日に報告されました, SARS-COV-2肺炎による無症候性感染症の症例がカシュガーのシュフ郡で報告されました. 感染した人はシュフ郡に住んでいます, and has no history of living abroad. There are no confirmed cases, suspected cases and contact history of fever patients within 16 days before the infected person is tested positive.

After the patient was diagnosed as asymptomatic infection on the 24 番目, in the afternoon, the disease control department conducted a total of 831 nucleic acid tests on the garment factory where he worked, and the results were all negative; しかし, when 16 close contacts and 406 close contacts of close contacts were tested for nucleic acid, 137 of them were tested positive, and all of them were associated with asymptomatic infected persons diagnosed on 24th.

Why did 137 cases of asymptomatic pneumonia in COVID-19 proliferate overnight in Kashgar, 新疆? Yang Gonghuan, former deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and an expert in public health and epidemiology, explained this problem to Red Star News. Yang Gonghuan said that it is still impossible to determine the specific reasons because the specific situation of flow adjustment is still unclear. しかし, Yang Gonghuan pointed out that the epidemic was related to the coming of winter and the drop of temperature.

What is the cause of this Kashi epidemic? Yang Gonghuan said that it is still impossible to determine the specific reasons because the specific situation of flow adjustment is still unclear. しかし, Yang Gonghuan pointed out that the epidemic was related to the coming of winter and the drop of temperature. Yang Gonghuan explained that as the temperature drops, the activity of SARS-CoV-2 will increase, which is also the law of disease occurrence. In Yang Gonghuan’s view, including the Kashgar epidemic in Xinjiang, it is also related to the local temperature drop.

現在のところ, カシュガル, Xinjiang has started the first-level emergency response, and four towns and villages have been upgraded to high-risk areas. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has also dispatched more than 600 nucleic acid detection personnel to support Kashgar urgently. It is estimated that all nucleic acid detection in Kashgar will be completed by October 27. For the next key point of prevention and control, Yang Gonghuan believes that it is necessary to find out whether there are asymptomatic infected people in the society as soon as possible, and do a good job of isolating confirmed patients from close contacts. “As long as the isolation measures are in place, the epidemic situation in Kashgar is still preventable and controllable.

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