»» 会社のニュース » Introduction to the principle of nucleic acid detection by Medico manufacturers




We need scientific methods to diagnose or rule out whether a patient is infected with the new coronavirus.

現在、特定かつ信頼できる診断検査方法が存在します。, そして一つだけあります: 核酸検査.
1. Principles of conventional nucleic acid detection

Direction: 遺伝学的手法: RT-PCR Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction Test object: Virus gene itself Accuracy: Maximum time: a few hours to a few days Advantages: High accuracy, is the only basis for diagnosis at present Disadvantages: Long time, High barriers to professional operation

The new coronavirus is an RNA virus that can replicate itself when it enters and infects the human body. As long as the person is infected, there must be a virus in the body. But because the virus is too small to be seen under the microscope, it cannot be confirmed directly by observation.

サンプリングチューブ サンプリングチューブ

Throat swab sample collection.

Everyone should be familiar with the term “喉の綿棒”, which is the primary source of samples for new coronavirus testing. 簡単に言えば, it is to use a plastic stick to reach the patient’s throat and wipe it, collect some respiratory fluid, then package it, refrigerate, and send it to the laboratory for RT-PCR testing.

しかし, experts soon discovered that the results of the throat swab samples were inaccurate and the probability of false negatives was high. したがって, in different countries or regions, front-line medical workers may also collect samples such as nasal swabs, 喀痰, and feces for testing.

喉の綿棒 throat swabsampling tube


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    メディカルテクノロジー株式会社, 株式会社. 中国の医療用品の専門メーカーです, ナイロン植毛綿棒の製造・販売を行っております。, VTM キット, 唾液採取キットと CHG スワブ & アプリケーター.

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