ウイルスの特徴は非常に小さいことです, 通常の光学顕微鏡では見えない, そして肉眼で直接観察することは不可能です. しかし、それぞれのウイルスには独自の遺伝子配列があります。. By detecting the viral nucleic acid in the patient, it can be judged whether there is a virus in the patient.
Most of the current viral nucleic acid detection kits use the fluorescent quantitative PCR method. The detection principle is to use the unique gene sequence of the virus as the detection target. Through PCR amplification, the target DNA sequence we choose increases exponentially. Each amplified DNA sequence can be labeled with a fluorescent label that we added in advance. The probe binds to produce a fluorescent signal. The more target genes amplified, the stronger the accumulated fluorescent signal. In samples without virus, since there is no target gene amplification, no increase in fluorescence signal can be detected. したがって, nucleic acid detection is actually to determine whether there is viral nucleic acid in the sample by detecting the accumulation of fluorescent signals.