咽頭ぬぐい液の検査は通常、喉の試験紙で患者の喉の分泌物を採取し、一連の検査のために検査室に送るプロセスです。, ウイルスを特定するため, バクテリア, 人体に感染した真菌やその他の微生物. このような検査を経て, 主に個別化された正確な治療の準備をするためです. いつもの, the detected bacteria are taken as the drug sensitivity test. Through the drug sensitivity test, we can know which antibiotics are very sensitive to the bacteria in the patient’s body, so there is a very sufficient basis for drug selection, which makes the treatment very effective. If it is a fungal infection, we have special drugs to treat it, which usually avoids a large amount of abuse of antibiotics.
Throat swabs are commonly used for diphtheria, acute suppurative tonsillitis and acute pharyngolaryngitis. Swallow swab examination is to take the secretion of throat, carry out bacterial culture, and then carry out drug sensitivity test according to the infected bacteria. The results of throat swab examination can provide an important basis for clinicians to use drugs accurately.