»» 業界ニュース » China Further Optimizes COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures



中国、中国からの入国者に対する新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の隔離期間を短縮する 10 に 8 日々, 入国便のサーキットブレーカーを解除し、感染確定者の二次濃厚接触者を特定しなくなる, 保健当局が金曜日に発表した。.

新型コロナウイルス感染症リスク地域のカテゴリーが高低に調整される, 古い高水準の第三次基準から, 中低, according to a notice that lays out 20 measures aimed at upgrading disease control measures.

According to the notice released by the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism, international travelers will undergo five days of centralized quarantine plus three days of home-based isolation, compared with the current rule of seven days of centralized isolation plus three days spent at home.

It also stipulates that inbound travelers should not be put into isolation again after finishing the required quarantine period at their first points of entry.

The circuit-breaker mechanism, which bans flight routes if inbound international flights carry COVID-10 cases, will be canceled. Inbound travelers will only need to provide one, rather than two, negative nucleic acid testing results taken 48 hours before boarding.

Quarantine periods for close contacts of confirmed infections have also been reduced from 10 to eight days, while secondary close contacts will no longer be traced.

The notice said that modifying categories of COVID-risk areas is aimed at minimizing the number of people facing travel restrictions.

High-risk areas, と言いました, will cover residences of infected cases and places where they frequently visit and are at high risk of the virus’s spread. The designation of high-risk areas should be bound to a certain building unit and should not be expanded recklessly. If no new cases are detected for five consecutive days, the high-risk label along with control measures should be lifted promptly.

The notice also requires ramping up stockpiles of COVID-19 drugs and medical equipment, preparing more intensive care unit beds, bolstering booster vaccination rates especially among the elderly and accelerating research of broad-spectrum and multivalent vaccines.

It also vows to heighten crackdown on malpractices such as adopting one-size-fits-all policies or imposing additional curbs, as well as stepping up care for vulnerable groups and stranded groups amid a local outbreak.




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