呼吸器感染症の診断に関しては, 上気道標本の収集は非常に重要です. さまざまな種類の検体とその採取方法を理解することで、正確な診断と治療が可能になります。.
Understanding Upper Respiratory Tract Specimen Collection
Upper respiratory tract specimens are essential for diagnosing infections such as influenza, COVID-19(新型コロナウイルス感染症, およびその他のウイルス性呼吸器疾患. The process involves collecting samples from the nose and throat areas where viruses often reside.
Types of Upper Respiratory Tract Specimens
NP Specimen (Nasopharyngeal Specimen)
An NP specimen is collected from the nasopharynx, the upper part of the throat behind the nose. 診断率が高いため、呼吸器系ウイルスの検出によく使用されます。.
NP 標本の採取方法:
- 準備: 必要な機器がすべて準備されていることを確認し、患者に手順について説明します。.
- 挿入: 患者の頭を少し後ろに傾け、口蓋と平行に柔軟な綿棒を鼻孔にそっと挿入します。.
- コレクション: 抵抗がなくなるまで綿棒を進めます, ゆっくりと回転させてください, 分泌物を吸収するために数秒間そのままにしておきます.
- 除去: 綿棒を慎重に取り外し、輸送媒体に置きます.
ON 試験片 (中咽頭標本)
OP標本は中咽頭から採取されます, 口の奥と喉を含む. 包括的な試験のためにNP試験片と組み合わせてよく使用されます。.
- 準備: Gather all required materials and explain the procedure to the patient.
- Positioning: Ask the patient to open their mouth wide and say “ah” to expose the oropharynx.
- Swabbing: 滅菌綿棒の使用, swab the tonsillar areas and the posterior pharynx without touching the tongue, 歯, or gums.
- 輸送: Place the swab in a transport medium and seal it properly.
Nasal Mid-Turbinate (NMT) Specimen
An NMT specimen is collected from the mid-turbinate region of the nasal cavity. This method is less invasive than NP swabbing and suitable for self-collection.
How to Collect an NMT Specimen:
- 準備: Ensure the patient understands the self-collection process.
- 挿入: Insert the swab into the nostril until resistance is felt at the mid-turbinate area.
- 回転: Rotate the swab several times to collect the specimen.
- 完了: Remove the swab and place it in the transport medium.
Anterior Nasal Specimen
An anterior nasal specimen is collected from the front part of the nostrils. It is the least invasive method and can be used for self-collection, especially in mass screening scenarios.
How to Collect an Anterior Nasal Specimen:
- 準備: Provide the patient with clear instructions for self-collection.
- Swabbing: Insert the swab into the nostril about 1-1.5 cm and rotate it against the nasal wall.
- Repetition: Repeat the process for both nostrils using the same swab.
- Final Steps: Place the swab in the transport medium and secure it.
Best Practices for Specimen Collection
- Training: Ensure healthcare workers are adequately trained in specimen collection techniques.
- Hygiene: Maintain strict hygiene and use personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent contamination.
- Labeling: Properly label all specimens with patient information and collection details.
- 輸送: Transport specimens to the laboratory promptly to ensure accurate results.
Some specimen collection products include swabs specifically designated for collecting specimens for that particular test.