小祥朝報によると, あった 4 大連市で新たな局所的無症状感染者発生, 全員がコールドチェーンの貨物取扱者でした.
15日, 関係部門は定期検査を実施した。 “期日小切手” 大連港宜都コールドチェーン株式会社の社員, 株式会社, 金浦新区, 大連市, 遼寧省, そして見つけた 4 cases of asymptomatic infections, which are involved in cold chain cargo handling at the port. The staff have been transferred to the Dalian Center for the Centralized Treatment of New Coronary Pneumonia in Liaoning Province for isolation treatment.
現在のところ, Dalian has formed 12 working groups including flow regulation, disinfection, 核酸検査, NS。, to quickly carry out epidemiological investigations and transfer and isolation of close contacts. The cold chain goods were immediately sealed on the spot, and the products involved did not enter the market. 現在のところ, close contacts of infected persons and close contacts of close contacts are being fully investigated and quarantined for medical observation.
ソース: CCTVニュース
Editor Hu Yani / Editor Li Feng / Issued by Huang Zhen
[ソース: ZAKER Guiyang]