» Notizie dall'azienda » Why is the Preservation Solution in the Virus Transport Medium Colored?

Perché la soluzione di conservazione nel mezzo di trasporto del virus è colorata?



Why is the preservation solution in the virus Transport Medium colored?

La soluzione di conservazione del virus è anche chiamata soluzione di conservazione dell'acido nucleico e soluzione di conservazione del campione. Di solito è diviso in tipo inattivato e tipo non inattivato. Generalmente, la soluzione di conservazione inattivata è incolore, perché i componenti della soluzione conservante inattivata sono generalmente incolori. The colored preservation solution is due to the addition of pH indicator phenol red. Phenol red shows yellow when it is acidic, red when it is neutral and purplish red when it is alkaline. Other types of indicators are similar. By observing the color change, we can quickly judge whether the pH value of the virus preservation solution has changed or whether there are long bacteria and deterioration.

Medico virus Transport MediumBecause the inactivated virus preservation solution is to inactivate the virus or bacteria to avoid secondary infection, some cleavage salt or guanidine salt will be added to achieve the effect of inactivating the virus.
The difference between non inactivated virus preservation solution and inactivated virus preservation solution is that it does not need to inactivate the virus, but to prolong the survival time of the virus in vitro and maintain the complete characteristics of the virus, so as to improve the accuracy of nucleic acid detection or do other research that does not just retain the nucleic acid of the virus.
The virus cannot survive in vitro and must parasitize in living cells, so the non inactivated virus preservation solution will add some liquid components that can prolong the survival time of virus parasitic cells, so as to indirectly improve the virus survival rate. Inoltre, the preservation solution also contains a variety of amino acids, glucosio, sucrose, protein and other nutrients. These factors make it easier for non inactivated virus preservation solution to breed bacteria or deteriorate than inactivated virus preservation solution.

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