» Notizie del settore » Why can’t people with COVID-19 be quarantined at home?

Perché le persone affette da COVID-19 non possono essere messe in quarantena a casa?



Recentemente, some experts said that asymptomatic patients with COVID-19 do not need hospitalization, but they need to be quarantined. Infatti, the reason is very simple, because home isolation can easily lead to the widespread spread of the virus, which is not conducive to epidemic prevention and control.

Liang Wannian, an expert on the COVID-19 epidemic from the Chinese Health and Medical Commission, pointed out in Shanghai that if asymptomatic infected persons and mildly ill patients are isolated at home, it may cause further widespread transmission of Omicron. Inoltre, home isolation cannot monitor and detect the progress of the infected person’s condition in a timely manner, and therefore cannot provide timely treatment. Perciò, for infected people, we need to conduct centralized isolation.

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