Per alcune persone che si trovano in aree ad alto rischio e che potrebbero essere infette dal COVID-19, è molto importante eseguire un test dell'acido nucleico. ma non è opportuno eseguire il test se sono presenti le seguenti condizioni:

1. 30 minuti prima del prelievo dei campioni, it is not advisable to do nucleic acid testing for people who smoke, bere, chew gum, eccetera., so as not to affect the accuracy of the results.
2. People who have eaten too much are not suitable for nucleic acid testing because they are prone to nausea and vomiting, which affects the accuracy of the results.
3.Those who have taken oral antiviral and anti-infective drugs before the nucleic acid test should postpone the nucleic acid test to avoid affecting the test results.
4. If tampone nasale sampling is performed, the test can be suspended for people with acute nasopharyngeal disease, such as bleeding and edema.
5. Those who have had nausea and vomiting during the nucleic acid test should temporarily postpone the nucleic acid test and wait for the symptoms to be relieved before sampling.
6. When the sampled person touches the sampling crown of the swab or the tip of the sampling swab with their hands or other objects, it is not suitable to do nucleic acid testing, which may easily cause contamination and affect the test results,and need to be replaced and redo.
These six types of people are not suitable for nucleic acid testing.