» Notizie dall'azienda » Thousands of people have been infected by nasopharyngeal swabs after smearing feces in the child isolation hotel

Migliaia di persone sono state infettate dai tamponi nasofaringei dopo aver spalmato le feci nell'hotel di isolamento infantile


Migliaia di persone sono state infettate dai tamponi nasofaringei dopo aver spalmato le feci nell'hotel di isolamento infantile

According to Australian media reports, in agosto 18, ora locale, il Dipartimento sanitario vittoriano del Paese ha rivelato la tracciabilità della seconda ondata dell’epidemia di nuova corona in quest’area. I risultati di un tampone nasofaringeo una tantum hanno mostrato circa 90% of the cases in the state. They were all related to a family of four who had lived in the Rydegs Hotel at the isolation point. All four members of the family have been confirmed to be infected with the new crown virus, but they have left the room many times during the isolation period.

What is even more suffocating is that the two children of this family defecated randomly in the isolated hotel room and smeared their feces in every corner!

Secondo il rapporto, the family returned to Australia from an overseas vacation on May 9, and subsequently developed symptoms of the new crown virus. They accepted the request to stay in Rydegs Hotel for isolation on May 15. On May 18, their family of four tested positive for the new crown virus.

In the following week, two security personnel and one staff member in the hotel became infected successively. A partire da giugno 18, 17 hotel staff who had been in close contact with this family of four had been infected. Da allora, the number of new cases in Victoria has increased by double digits every day. Since July 6, the number of new daily cases in Victoria has increased at a three-digit scale.

Traceability shows that the 24 cluster infection groups (Sopra 3000 persone) outside the hotel are also suspected to be related to this family of four.

tamponi di campionamento genetico new coronavirus

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