» Notizie del settore » The United States Added More Than 1 Milioni di nuovi casi di COVID-19 ieri

Gli Stati Uniti hanno aggiunto più di 1 Milioni di nuovi casi di COVID-19 ieri


The United States added more than 1 million new cases of COVID-19 yesterday

Secondo Bloomberg News, a gennaio 3, gli Stati Uniti hanno riferito più di 1 milioni di nuovi casi confermati di COVID-19 in un solo giorno. Questo numero ha creato un nuovo record globale di COVID-19 in un solo giorno in un singolo paese e i nuovi casi di COVID-19 a gennaio 3 were almost twice as many as the new record set in the United States just four days ago (590,000 casi). The latest statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that as of 14:00 on the 4th, Ora di Pechino, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States exceeded 56 milioni, e il numero cumulativo di decessi è stato superato 820,000. The report pointed out that at present, many Americans rely on their own home-based COVID-19 tests, and these test results are usually not reported to official government agencies. Secondo i rapporti, this means that the currently announced confirmed cases of COVID-19 may beseverely underestimated.

It is reported that the surge of confirmed cases in the United States may cause the government to consider adjusting epidemic prevention measures. Inoltre, some companies are encouraging employees to return to work from home.

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