» Notizie dall'azienda » The new strain of the new crown virus has lost control in the UK

Il nuovo ceppo del nuovo virus corona ha perso il controllo nel Regno Unito


Il nuovo ceppo del nuovo virus corona ha perso il controllo nel Regno Unito

Rete d'oltremare, Dicembre 20. Secondo la britannica Sky News, il 19 ora locale, Il ministro della Sanità britannico Hancock: Il nuovo ceppo del nuovo virus corona ha perso il controllo nel Regno Unito

The Secretary of Health of the United Kingdom stated that the new strain of the new coronavirus discovered in the country has been out of control and the British government must control it and is responsible for taking action.

Inoltre, regarding the British government’s announcement that the new crown epidemic prevention and control level in the capital London and other places will be upgraded to the fourth level, Hancock also pointed out that because of the restrictions, he cannot meet his mother during Christmas: “I understand how people feel. La notte scorsa (19th) I also had to call my mother and said that we could not see each other during Christmas.

British Prime Minister Johnson stated at a news conference on the epidemic on the 19th that from the 20th, London, South East and East England will be upgraded from the current three-level prevention and control level to four for a period of two weeks. The corresponding measures are similar to those in England this year. The large-scalefoot-freemeasures implemented in November. (Rete d'oltremare Zhang Ni)

il nuovo virus corona ha perso il controllo nel Regno Unito il nuovo virus corona ha perso il controllo nel Regno Unito

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